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Vol. 1, Issue 9
The News Organ of Liberty City
Thursday October 18th, 2001
" Yesterday's News Today "
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Found 2 translations.
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h English (en) | State prosecutor, Philip Hedges, was overjoyed at the result. "This man has profited out of bringing misery and mayhem to our streets for too long now. While he was off partying and enjoying his ill-gotten gains with women in night-clubs, drinking champagne and driving fast cars, others were cleaning up the blood from our streets from the bullets fired by guns he sold." |
h Estonian (et) | Osariigi prokurör Philip Hedges oli kohtuotsuse üle ülimalt rõõmus. "See mees on liiga kaua teeninud kasumit, külvates meie tänavatele viletsust ja kaost. Kui tema veetis aega pidutsedes, nautides oma kuritegelikku rikkust ööklubides koos naistega, šampust juues ja kiireid autosid juhtides, pidid teised koristama meie tänavatelt verd, mis oli valatud relvadest, mida ta müüs." |