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Vol. 1, Issue 9
The News Organ of Liberty City
Thursday October 18th, 2001
" Yesterday's News Today "
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h English (en) | The court heard how 8-Ball had links with various crime families in town, including the Leone crime family, and how he was seen as a Mister Fixit for crime lords, able to supply them with the firepower they needed to continue their reign of terror in our city. "We've been after this guy for several years and finally we got charges that would stick. We know he did a lot of other stuff, and we even thought about making up some evidence so we could lock him up and throw away the key, but eventually we just busted his premises and found a lot of things no one outside the military or a regulation gun club should own." |
h Estonian (et) | Kohus kuulis, kuidas 8-Ballil olid sidemed mitmete linna kuritegelike peredega, sealhulgas Leone perekonnaga, ning teda peeti kuritegelike juhtide "probleemilahendajaks", kes suutis varustada neid vajaliku tulejõuga, et nad saaksid jätkata oma hirmuvalitsemist linnas. "Oleme seda meest aastaid jahtinud ning lõpuks leidsime süüdistused, mis püsima jäid. Me teame, et ta tegi palju muudki ning isegi mõtlesime tõendite fabritseerimisele, et saaksime ta luku taha pista ja võtme minema visata, aga lõpuks piisas lihtsalt tema valduste läbiotsimisest, kus me leidsime asju, mida ei tohiks omada keegi peale sõjaväe või regulaarse laskeklubiliikme." |