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Vol. 1, Issue 9
The News Organ of Liberty City
Thursday October 18th, 2001
" Yesterday's News Today "

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 h English (en)If there's one thing you'll never see fouling the streets of Liberty City, it's a dog. City council has voted overwhelmingly to uphold the ban on dog ownership in our city. Not for us, the yuppies scraping up its designer-poodle's-less-than-designer-doings with his hand covered only in a plastic bag. Nor for us, the small baby, clamped by the neck in the jaws of an angry rotweiller who only wanted to play. Nor even the seeing eye dog who runs amok dragging a sightless person under a bus or off a cliff. These, and other canine horrors - eating, urinating, ritualistic sex acts and tail wagging - haven't been seen in our town for nearly five years now, and Council agrees the ban has really improved the quality of life for people in Liberty City.
 h Estonian (et)Kui on üks asi, mida te Liberty City tänavatel enam kunagi ei näe, siis on see koer. Linnavolikogu hääletas suure häälteenamusega koerte omamise keelu jätkamise poolt. Meie linnas ei näe te enam yuppe, kes kraabivad oma disainertõugu puudli mitte just nii disainiväärilisi väljaheiteid üles, käsi kaetud ainult plastkotiga. Samuti ei ohusta enam väikseid beebisid kaelast haaravad vihased rotveilerid, kes tegelikult tahtsid ainult mängida. Ei ole ka enam juhtkoeri, kes pimedat inimest bussi alla või kaljult alla veavad. Need ja paljud muud koertega seotud õudused – söömine, urineerimine, rituaalsed seksuaalaktid ja saba liputamine – on meie linnas kadunud juba peaaegu viis aastat ning volikogu on üksmeelel, et keeld on märgatavalt parandanud Liberty City elukvaliteeti.