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Vol. 1, Issue 9
The News Organ of Liberty City
Thursday October 18th, 2001
" Yesterday's News Today "
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h English (en) | The Liberty tree has been rightly rewarded again for our standards of excellence and commitment to delivering a quality newspaper to your door every day. This time we've won the very prestigious "Most Absorbent Newsprint Award" at the Cleaning and Tidying Association of America annual awards ceremony. Our newsprint was deemed by top scientists to be the best at absorbing a wide variety of common household spills and messes including red wine, ketchup, blood, pus, and baby sick. Following last year's investigation into the source of our newsprint, when a rival newspaper claimed our suppliers were getting our paper from non-renewable sources in Canada, rather than being part of the government agreed, environmentally-friendly campaign others subscribe to, we have gone one better. Now all of our newsprint comes from Brazil, where we are assured it is providing a much higher standard of living for everyone involved and helping a lot of Amer-Indians relocate from the rainforest to hill-side dwellings in glamorous Rio. We say "Stick that in your recycled pipe and smoke it!" |
h Estonian (et) | Liberty Tree on taas õigustatult tunnustatud meie tipptaseme ja pühendumuse eest kvaliteetse ajalehe igapäevaseks kojutoimetamiseks. Seekord pälvisime väga prestiižse "Kõige Imavam Ajalehepaber" auhinna Ameerika Puhastamise ja Korrashoiu Assotsiatsiooni iga-aastasel auhinnatseremoonial. Meie ajalehepaber määrati juhtivate teadlaste poolt parimaks erinevate koduste plekkide ja segaduste imamisel, sealhulgas punane vein, ketšup, veri, mäda ja beebide okse. Eelmise aasta uurimise tulemusel, kui konkurent süüdistas meid ajalehepaberi hankimises Kanada taastumatutest allikatest, mitte valitsuse poolt heaks kiidetud keskkonnasõbralikest kampaaniatest, oleme nüüd teinud veelgi paremini. Nüüdsest pärineb kogu meie ajalehepaber Brasiiliast, kus see pakub väidetavalt palju kõrgemat elustandardit kõigile asjaosalistele ning aitab paljudel põlisameeriklastel vihmametsadest kolida luksuslikesse mäenõlvadel asuvatesse kodudesse glamuurses Rios. Meie sõnum konkurentidele: "Pange see oma taaskasutatud piipu ja suitsetage!" |