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Vol. 1, Issue 9
The News Organ of Liberty City
Thursday October 18th, 2001
" Yesterday's News Today "
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Found 2 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h English (en) | '''DL: Will be a remarkable thing, for all concerned. Entertainment will never have looked so good. I can tell you that. People will never want to go out again once they get into this stuff. Families will stay together, I honestly believe, because they will enjoy each other's company so much more with a LoveMedia.TV entertainment package.''' |
h Estonian (et) | '''DL: See saab olema midagi erakordset kõigi jaoks. Meelelahutus pole kunagi varem nii hea välja näinud. Inimesed ei taha enam kunagi kodust lahkuda, kui nad selle kätte saavad. Pered jäävad kokku, ma usun siiralt, sest LoveMedia.TV meelelahutuspaketi abil hakkavad nad teineteise seltskonda palju rohkem hindama.''' |