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Vol. 1, Issue 9
The News Organ of Liberty City
Thursday October 18th, 2001
" Yesterday's News Today "

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 h English (en)Corruption continues to bedevil the LCPD. We all know that. Which of us hasn't bribed our way out of a speeding ticket? Who amongst our wives and girlfriends hasn't flirted shamelessly, showing her leg, or bra strap or more, in order to save our bacon when we're in trouble for tax evasion? These are part of the things which give Liberty City it's character and something we've all lived with since we were old enough to say, "I'm sorry, officer, you appear to have dropped some money into my wallet, let me give it back to you. Would you like a back rub?"
 h Estonian (et)Korruptsioon jätkab LCPD vaevamist. Me kõik teame seda. Kes meist pole kunagi trahvist pääsemiseks altkäemaksu andnud? Milline meie naistest või tüdruksõpradest pole häbenematult flirtinud, näidates oma jalga, rinnahoidja rihma või enamat, et meid maksupettuse jamadest välja aidata? See on osa Liberty City iseloomust ja midagi, millega oleme elanud sellest hetkest, kui suutsime öelda: "Vabandust, konstaabel, tundub, et olete kogemata minu rahakotti raha pillanud, las ma annan selle teile tagasi. Kas sooviksite seljamassaaži?"