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Vol. 1, Issue 9
The News Organ of Liberty City
Thursday October 18th, 2001
" Yesterday's News Today "
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Found 2 translations.
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h English (en) | But, as it turns out, it's not the officers on patrol who like a little supplementary income, but all the way through the LCPD, people are taking back-handers at a record rate. One insider claims "All officers make 90% of their income in back-handers and bribes, but most of them blow it on wild living, so nobody really notices, but now some senior officers are actually getting rich on the back of it." |
h Estonian (et) | Kuid nagu selgub, pole mitte ainult patrullis olevad politseinikud huvitatud lisasissetulekust – kogu LCPD sees võetakse altkäemaksu rekordilisel määral. Üks siseringi allikas väidab: "Kõik ohvitserid teenivad 90% oma sissetulekust pistise ja altkäemaksuga, kuid enamik neist kulutab selle metsikule elustiilile, nii et keegi eriti ei pane seda tähele. Aga nüüd hakkavad mõned kõrgemad ametnikud selle pealt tõeliselt rikastuma." |