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Vol. 1, Issue 9
The News Organ of Liberty City
Thursday October 18th, 2001
" Yesterday's News Today "

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 h English (en)The result, an Internal Affairs investigation the likes of which the LCPD has never seen before. "We're determined to stamp out all corruption in this town," said Mayor O' Donovan at a news conference yesterday, "We believe there is a serious problem within the LCPD, and we think it is especially problematic in the under-cover unit. They haven't made so much as an arrest, let alone a conviction in 3 years. And most of them drive convertibles. Something isn't adding up."
 h Estonian (et)Selle tulemuseks on sisejuurdlus, mida LCPD pole kunagi varem näinud. "Oleme otsustanud igasuguse korruptsiooni selles linnas välja juurida," ütles linnapea O’Donovan eilsel pressikonverentsil. "Usume, et LCPD sees on tõsine probleem ja eriti murettekitav on olukord salajases üksuses. Nad pole kolme aasta jooksul teinud ühtegi arreteerimist, rääkimata süüdimõistmisest. Pealegi sõidavad enamik neist kabriolettidega. Midagi siin ei klapi."