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Vol. 1, Issue 9
The News Organ of Liberty City
Thursday October 18th, 2001
" Yesterday's News Today "

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 h English (en)The long delayed Porter Tunnel project, linking Liberty City's two island boroughs, Staunton and Portland has been beset by problems. First there was the financing. Then there was the leak. Then there was the spate of corruption scandals involving slush funds, back-handers, fore-handers and more handers that have meant the project has always been destined to come in over budget and over schedule.
 h Estonian (et)Pikalt veninud Porter Tunneli projekt, mis peaks ühendama Liberty City kahte saarelinnaosa, Stauntonit ja Portlandi, on olnud algusest peale probleemide küüsis. Esmalt tekkisid rahastamisraskused. Seejärel lekkis tunnel. Seejärel tulid järjest korruptsiooniskandaalid, mis hõlmasid musti rahastamisfonde, altkäemakse, pealtkäemakse ja igasuguseid muid makseid, mis tähendasid, et projekt on alati olnud määratud minema üle eelarve ja graafiku.