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Vol. 1, Issue 9
The News Organ of Liberty City
Thursday October 18th, 2001
" Yesterday's News Today "

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 h English (en)Last year, we were promised a big opening party on September 1, but that date has come again, and the City Transport Commission are keeping their cards close to the chest. "Let's just say the balloons have been put on ice," said one official, "Sure we could have had a party, but the simple fact of the matter is that the tunnel ain't done. And when the tunnel's done, then we'll have the party." When asked on a likely completion date, he answered, "Soon, depending on who you ask, could be next month, could be a year. Building tunnels ain't as easy as falling off a log." Commenting on where the money was coming from to finish the project, he was adamant, "We stole some off the schools budget. And fair enough. If you ain't got a tunnel, how are the kids gonna get to school? This was a chicken and egg situation and let's be honest, this tunnel comes before any education budget, and we're going to prove it with the biggest party this town's ever seen."
 h Estonian (et)Eelmisel aastal lubati 1. septembril suurt avapidustust, kuid see kuupäev tuli ja läks ning Linna Transpordikomisjon hoiab kaarte endiselt rinna all. "Ütleme lihtsalt, et õhupallid on sügavkülmas," ütles üks ametnik. "Me oleksime võinud ju peo korraldada, aga lihtne fakt on see, et tunnel ei ole veel valmis. Ja kui tunnel valmis on, siis tuleb ka pidu." Küsimusele, millal projekt lõpuks valmib, vastas ta: "Varsti. Sõltub, kellelt küsida – võib-olla järgmine kuu, võib-olla aasta pärast. Tunnelite ehitamine pole nii lihtne kui puu otsast kukkumine." Kui temalt uuriti, kust leitakse raha projekti lõpetamiseks, oli ta konkreetne: "Võtsime koolide eelarvest. Ja ausalt, kui pole tunnelit, kuidas siis lapsed kooli saavad? See oli tüüpiline muna ja kana olukord. Ja olgem ausad – see tunnel on tähtsam kui mis tahes hariduseelarve, ning me tõestame seda, korraldades linna ajaloo suurima peo."