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Vol. 1, Issue 7
The News Organ of Liberty City
Wednesday August 15th, 2001
" The Truth Is A Dish Best Eaten Lukewarm ! "
August 2001
From Liberty Tree
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Strange Tramps Seen All Over Liberty City
By Irene Kelly, Liberty Tree News Bureau
August 15th 2001 4:30pm EST
For as long as people can remember, usually 5 or 6 years after they were born, barring major neurological problems, the hobo has been a much welcomed part of Liberty City life. The old bum, down on his luck with a sad sob story to tell anyone who's going to listen, has gladdened hearts and quickened steps for years. Be it in freezing winter or boiling summer, these happy vagrants know a thing or two about surviving and smiling through the pain.
Ambulance Drivers Threaten Industrial Dispute
Liberty Tree News Bureau
August 15th 2001 3:23pm EST
LIBERTY CITY (RS) - Benjamin Mill
Liberty City's ambulance drivers are threatening to go on strike over poor working conditions and the dangers associated with responding to 911 calls. The massive increase of gun crime in Liberty City in the past 8 years has resulted in a massive increase in ambulance call-outs to crime scenes, an increase not reflected in investment or protection offered to men and women who go out to save lives, armed only with a green smock and a stretcher.
Bayreuth Be Damned
by Morgan Merryweather
Darlings, c'est moi, Morgan. Medicated up to the eyeballs and lost in opera space. And, where does August find me? In Germany, for the Wagner? In Glyndebourne, for the repertoire of picnics and nubile boarding school boys on the cusp of puberty? Oh, no. In Liberty City! For the awards ceremonies!
Internal Affairs Investigate Links Between Yakuza and Police
Liberty Tree News Bureau
July 1st 2001 1:01pm EST
LIBERTY CITY (RS) - Clint Glen
Internal Affairs at the LCPD are increasingly concerned that the police department is heavily linked to organized gangsters from Japan, called Yakuza, whom are operating in the greater Liberty City area.
Francis International Airport a Center for Smuggling
Liberty Tree News Bureau
July 1st 2001 11:00am EST
LIBERTY CITY (RS) - Frederic Pierce
Liberty City's airport, Francis International, is believed to have developed into a center of smuggling and illegal immigration. Customs Officials are ramping up their efforts to rid our city of the dangers of untaxed goods and unwanted workers.
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