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Vol. 1, Issue 8
The News Organ of Liberty City
Thursday September 6th, 2001
" The Truth Is What You Make Of It "

Translations:September 2001/An Interview With Donald Love/13/en

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DL: Yes, it certainly has. Diversity, and I hope, ruthlessness. In the business environment, you must fight hard, otherwise you are not respecting your opponent, be he stockholder, lawyer, customer or union man. I've considered it my duty to fight hard, not fair. And I think this is very important. But, I also respect people. Especially fellow billionaires, because I understand the sacrifices they have made in a way you never could. But time and tide wait for no man, as they say, even someone of immense wealth and power. I tell you, I could buy you and fifty of you, every hour, for the rest of my life but I could never buy one single hour of my life back. And sometimes, it's time to change. So I have re-focused the core interests of Love Media and am now concerned primarily with the media and pet food industries. I believe they compliment one another perfectly, although the wider Love Investment Group will retain some interests in plastic explosives and anti-personnel land mines, because it is my conjection that they are important and very lucrative industries. I am hoping to make a significant pet food acquisition in the coming months. In the Liberty City area. So you see, what is good for Liberty City is good for Donald Love, and, ipso facto, vice versa.