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Vol. 1, Issue 9
The News Organ of Liberty City
Thursday October 18th, 2001
" Yesterday's News Today "

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  • 10:23, 8 February 2025September 2001/Internal Affairs Called In/en (hist | edit) ‎[1,791 bytes]FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
  • 10:17, 8 February 2025September 2001/Spank Menace Grows. No New Information./en (hist | edit) ‎[2,462 bytes]FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
  • 10:03, 8 February 2025September 2001/Porter Tunnel Delayed (Again)/en (hist | edit) ‎[1,993 bytes]FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
  • 09:33, 8 February 2025September 2001/Spank Menace Grows. No New Information./et (hist | edit) ‎[2,538 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> <languages/> {{news |featured= |headline=SPANKi oht kasvab.<br>Pole uut informatsiooni. |title2= |lt=yes |published=6. september 2001, kell 21:10 |author=E. Crume |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> The new street menace, SPANK, is running riot in Liberty City, and has been blamed for the rise in crime across the entire metropolitan area. That much...")
  • 09:29, 8 February 2025September 2001/Porter Tunnel Delayed (Again)/et (hist | edit) ‎[2,010 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Pikalt veninud Porter Tunneli projekt, mis peaks ühendama Liberty City kahte saarelinnaosa, Stauntonit ja Portlandi, on olnud algusest peale probleemide küüsis. Esmalt tekkisid rahastamisraskused. Seejärel lekkis tunnel. Seejärel tulid järjest korruptsiooniskandaalid, mis hõlmasid musti rahastamisfonde, altkäemakse, pealtkäemakse ja igasuguseid muid makseid, mis tähendasid, et projekt on alati olnud määratud minema üle eelarve ja graafiku.")
  • 09:28, 8 February 2025September 2001/An Interview With Donald Love/en (hist | edit) ‎[5,317 bytes]FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
  • 09:21, 8 February 2025September 2001/Internal Affairs Called In/et (hist | edit) ‎[1,800 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "6. september 2001, kell 23:30")
  • 09:18, 8 February 2025September 2001/An Interview With Donald Love/et (hist | edit) ‎[5,204 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''DL: Loodan, et ma ei liialda, kui ütlen, et mulle meeldib see väga. Minu arvates ei kutsuta Liberty Cityt niisama "Liberty Cityks" (Vabaduse linnaks). Erinevalt teistest linnadest võib mees siin tõeliselt vaba olla – vähemalt teatud hinna eest. Ja vabadus on Ameerika põhimõte, mida ma hindan sügavalt. Ma ei olnud koolis ajaloos kõige tugevam, kuid minu arusaamise järgi võitsime põlisameeriklased, sest nad üritasid meid takistada tegemast, mida tahtsime....")
  • 20:39, 4 February 2025October 2001/DOG BAN UPHELD/et (hist | edit) ‎[1,735 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Muidugi on meie linn uhke oma maine üle kui loomaarmastajate kodu – kohalik ajaloolane kommenteerib: "Meie asutajad kohtusid tihti, et veeta pärastlõuna karude torkimise ja kukevõitluste saatel ning nautisid ka lemmingute marsse, kus nad rõõmustasid, kui tuhanded närilised varajasse surma hüppasid. Sellest ajast alates oleme säilitanud oma loomaarmastuse traditsiooni elujõulise ja eduka lemmikloomatoidu tööstusega." Liberty City võib olla koeratoidu kodu,...")
  • 20:36, 4 February 2025October 2001/DOG BAN UPHELD/en (hist | edit) ‎[1,703 bytes]FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
  • 20:32, 4 February 2025October 2001/Liberty Tree Wins Award/et (hist | edit) ‎[1,377 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "iberty Tree on taas õigustatult tunnustatud meie tipptaseme ja pühendumuse eest kvaliteetse ajalehe igapäevaseks kojutoimetamiseks. Seekord pälvisime väga prestiižse "Kõige Imavam Ajalehepaber" auhinna Ameerika Puhastamise ja Korrashoiu Assotsiatsiooni iga-aastasel auhinnatseremoonial. Meie ajalehepaber määrati juhtivate teadlaste poolt parimaks erinevate koduste plekkide ja segaduste imamisel, sealhulgas punane vein, ketšup, veri, mäda ja beebide okse. Eelmis...")
  • 20:25, 4 February 2025October 2001/Have You Seen This Woman/en (hist | edit) ‎[2,058 bytes]FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
  • 20:21, 4 February 2025October 2001/Have You Seen This Woman/et (hist | edit) ‎[2,121 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Kas SINA oled teda näinud?")
  • 20:10, 4 February 2025October 2001/Elderly Asian Man Held After Failing to Satisfy Immigration/et (hist | edit) ‎[1,498 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Eakas Aasia mees, kes tekitas suurt segadust meie ülekoormatud immigratsiooniametis, saadetakse hiljem sel kuul maalt välja, kuna ta ei suutnud USA immigratsiooniteenistusele (INS) piisavalt põhjendada oma riiki sisenemise vajadust.")
  • 20:07, 4 February 2025October 2001/Elderly Asian Man Held After Failing to Satisfy Immigration/en (hist | edit) ‎[1,503 bytes]FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
  • 19:40, 4 February 2025October 2001/Another Punch in the Gut for Organized Crime/et (hist | edit) ‎[2,435 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Enam ei kauple relvadega – 8-Ball saab nüüd trenni teha vanglamüüride taga.")
  • 19:38, 4 February 2025October 2001/Another Punch in the Gut for Organized Crime/en (hist | edit) ‎[2,274 bytes]FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)
  • 18:46, 4 February 2025October 2001/DOG BAN UPHELD (hist | edit) ‎[1,816 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=DOG BAN UPHELD |title2= |lt=yes |published=October 18th 2001 1:00pm EST |author=Gregory Lau |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=If there's one thing you'll never see fouling the streets of Liberty City, it's a dog. City council has voted overwhelmingly to uphold the ban on dog ownership in our city. Not for us, the yuppies scraping up its designer-poodle's-less-than-desi...")
  • 18:44, 4 February 2025October 2001/Have You Seen This Woman (hist | edit) ‎[2,216 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Have You Seen This Woman? |title2= |lt=yes |published=October 18th 2001 3:20pm EST |author=Kelly Sue DeConnick |image=story3.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc=Have YOU seen her? |article= |desc=FBI sources claim a well-known female bank robber and stick up merchant may now be operating in the Liberty City area. Police believe the above picture is of a mysterious and very dangerous female c...")
  • 18:43, 4 February 2025October 2001/Elderly Asian Man Held After Failing to Satisfy Immigration (hist | edit) ‎[1,695 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Elderly Asian Man Held |title2=After Failing to Satisfy Immigration |lt=yes |published=October 18th 2001 4:30pm EST |author=Amy Salzburg |image=story2.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc=Strange, old Asian man. |article= |desc=The elderly Asian man who had caused a lot of confusion at our over-worked immigration service is due to be deported later this month after failing to satisfy the INS...")
  • 18:40, 4 February 2025October 2001/Another Punch in the Gut for Organized Crime (hist | edit) ‎[2,477 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured=Another Punch in the Gut for Organized Crime |headline= |title2=By Peter Armstrong, Liberty Tree News Bureau |lt= |published=October 18th 2001 3:22pm EST |author= |image=story1a.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc=No longer running guns, 8-Ball gets some exercise behind prison walls. |article= |desc=A local hoodlum and criminal yesterday found out that after a lifetime of fast living, "bling and bitche...")
  • 18:37, 4 February 2025September 2001/Spank Menace Grows. No New Information. (hist | edit) ‎[2,586 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Spank Menace Grows.<br>No New Information. |title2= |lt=yes |published=September 6th 2001 2:10pm EST |author=E. Crume |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=The new street menace, SPANK, is running riot in Liberty City, and has been blamed for the rise in crime across the entire metropolitan area. That much is well known. What police and other government agencies interested...")
  • 18:36, 4 February 2025September 2001/Porter Tunnel Delayed (Again) (hist | edit) ‎[2,151 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Porter Tunnel Delayed (Again) |title2= |lt=yes |published=September 6th 2001 3:20pm EST |author=Ken Dellamonica |image=tunnel.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc=Pan-Lantic construction on Portland Tunnel<br>remains ongoing. Luckily they're paid hourly. |article= |desc=The long delayed Porter Tunnel project, linking Liberty City's two island boroughs, Staunton and Portland has been beset by...")
  • 18:35, 4 February 2025September 2001/Internal Affairs Called In (hist | edit) ‎[1,949 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Internal Affairs Called In |title2= |lt=yes |published=September 6th 2001 4:30pm EST |author=Bob Jefferson |image=stop.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc=LCPD earning their wage, legitimately. |article= |desc=Corruption continues to bedevil the LCPD. We all know that. Which of us hasn't bribed our way out of a speeding ticket? Who amongst our wives and girlfriends hasn't flirted shamelessly...")
  • 18:29, 4 February 2025September 2001/An Interview With Donald Love (hist | edit) ‎[5,687 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> center|link= {{news |featured= |headline=An Interview With Donald Love |title2= |lt=yes |published=September 21st 2001 5:40pm EST |author=William Mazyck |image=love.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc=Liberty Tree welcomes Donald Love,<br>newest bastion of the community. |article= |desc=With the opening of his new website, a precursor to his entry into the world of internet television some time in...")
  • 18:25, 4 February 2025August 2001/Francis International Airport a Center for Smuggling (hist | edit) ‎[1,202 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Francis International Airport a Center for Smuggling |title2= |lt=yes |published=July 1st 2001 11:00am EST |author=Frederic Pierce |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Liberty City's airport, Francis International, is believed to have developed into a center of smuggling and illegal immigration. Customs Officials are ramping up their efforts to rid our city of the dangers...")
  • 18:24, 4 February 2025August 2001/Internal Affairs Investigate Links Between Yakuza and Police (hist | edit) ‎[935 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Internal Affairs Investigate Links Between Yakuza and Police |title2= |lt=yes |published=July 1st 2001 1:01pm EST |author=Clint Glen |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Internal Affairs at the LCPD are increasingly concerned that the police department is heavily linked to organized gangsters from Japan, called Yakuza, whom are operating in the greater Liberty City area....")
  • 18:23, 4 February 2025August 2001/Bayreuth Be Damned (hist | edit) ‎[1,514 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Bayreuth Be Damned |title2=by Morgan Merryweather |lt= |published= |author= |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Darlings, c'est moi, Morgan. Medicated up to the eyeballs and lost in opera space. And, where does August find me? In Germany, for the Wagner? In Glyndebourne, for the repertoire of picnics and nubile boarding school boys on the cusp of puberty? Oh, no. In Libe...")
  • 18:22, 4 February 2025August 2001/Ambulance Drivers Threaten Industrial Dispute (hist | edit) ‎[1,633 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Ambulance Drivers Threaten Industrial Dispute |title2= |lt=yes |published=August 15th 2001 3:23pm EST |author=Benjamin Mill |image=paramedics2.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc=Our samaritans-by-profession have<br>sadly become targets themselves |article= |desc=Liberty City's ambulance drivers are threatening to go on strike over poor working conditions and the dangers associated with respond...")
  • 18:20, 4 February 2025August 2001/Strange Tramps Seen All Over Liberty City (hist | edit) ‎[3,547 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline= |title2= |lt=yes |published= |author= |image=tramps2.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc=Taken near moments before this gruesome beggar<br>attacked an innocent Liberty Tree staff photog |article= |desc=For as long as people can remember, usually 5 or 6 years after they were born, barring major neurological problems, the hobo has been a much welcomed part of Liberty City life. The old bum, d...")
  • 18:16, 4 February 2025July 2001/Opera with Morgan Merryweather (hist | edit) ‎[1,082 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Opera with Morgan Merryweather |title2= |lt=yes |published= |author= |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Summer is well and truly upon us, my darlings, and in summer, a young man's thoughts turn to Bangkok, and the delights of the Pat Pong district. If, however, you are stuck in this un-sophisticated backwater, then it must turn to opera. Not Bayreuth and not Glyndebour...")
  • 18:16, 4 February 2025July 2001/Killer Bees: Not a Threat In Liberty City (hist | edit) ‎[1,403 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Killer Bees: |title2=Not a Threat In Liberty City! |lt=yes |published=July 1st 2001 2:53pm EST |author=Frederic Pierce |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Radio shows have been inundated with calls asking about the presence of killer bees in Liberty City. There is absolutely no basis of truth for this rumor and experts are puzzled as to why or how this rumor has started....")
  • 18:14, 4 February 2025July 2001/Luigi Goterelli: Im a Night Club Owner, Not a Pimp (hist | edit) ‎[1,065 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Luigi Goterelli: |title2="I'm a Night Club Owner, Not a Pimp!" |lt=yes |published=July 1st 2001 3:02pm EST |author=Paul Mill |image=st4.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew=286px |imagefloat= |imagedesc=Luigi Goterelli seen with the luxury that smut affords him. |article= |desc=Luigi Goterelli, owner of the notorious Sex Club Seven, has pleaded "not guilty" in his trial for running premises for immoral purposes and f...")
  • 18:13, 4 February 2025July 2001/Toni Cipriani: Loves His Mommas Sauce (hist | edit) ‎[1,415 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Toni Cipriani: Loves His Momma's Sauce |title2= |lt=yes |published=July 1st 2001 5:47pm EST |author=Nicholas Morris |image=st3b.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew=286px |imagefloat= |imagedesc=A glimpse of the tomato sauce trade... in action. |article= |desc=Toni Cipriani, heir to Liberty City's best-known Italian empire, Momma's Restaurant, the famed St. Mark's eatery where the great and the not-so-great get their...")
  • 18:09, 4 February 2025July 2001/Leone: Like Father, Like Son (hist | edit) ‎[1,433 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline= |title2= |lt=yes |published=July 1st 2001 6:14pm EST |author=Johnnie Blain |image=st2b.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew=286px |imagefloat= |imagedesc=Joey's Garage preparing for a bit of "customer service". |article= |desc=Joey Leone presents a humble exterior to the world. "I'm just a car guy!" He says, before launching into a string of expletives and throwing our reporter off his property. Joey Leone is a car...")
  • 18:07, 4 February 2025July 2001/Turf Wars and Triads Lead to Power Vacuum at the Top (hist | edit) ‎[1,518 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured=Turf Wars and Triads Lead to Power Vacuum at the Top |headline= |title2=By Walt Jefferson, Liberty Tree News Bureau |lt= |published=July 1st 2001 7:30pm EST |author= |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Police and organized crime experts are concerned that the Mafia may be losing their grip in Liberty City! Strange as it may sound, the police believe that the apparent problems withi...")
  • 18:05, 4 February 2025June 2001/Liberty City Community College: THE WORST UNIVERSITY IN AMERICA (hist | edit) ‎[2,321 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Liberty City Community College: |title2=THE WORST UNIVERSITY IN AMERICA |lt=yes |published=June 1st 2001 1:37pm EST |author=Johnny Ryan |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=It's official. What we had all known for a long time. Liberty City Community College is now officially "the least impressive" further education destination in the United States. With enrollment at a re...")
  • 18:04, 4 February 2025June 2001/Yakuza Operating With Impunity (hist | edit) ‎[1,472 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline= |title2= |lt=yes |published=June 1st 2001 5:01pm EST |author=Thomas Jones |image=yakuza.gif |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Japanese criminals have begun to operate in Liberty City. Police note with shame that the on-going financial crisis in Asia has led to some of the most violent criminals in the east making the journey to the west. Liberty City has, since the mid 1970s,...")
  • 18:03, 4 February 2025June 2001/Spank Here to Slay (hist | edit) ‎[1,793 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Spank Here to Slay |title2= |lt=yes |published=June 1st 2001 5:59pm EST |author=Bob Malkin |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=An evil new menace, Spank, is running riot through the streets of Liberty City. A synthetic, entirely artificially fabricated drug, Spank is an evil our city hasn't seen the likes of before or since. Making previous drug epidemics look like a fam...")
  • 18:01, 4 February 2025June 2001/Hand Grenades Not Fit For City Life (hist | edit) ‎[1,943 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured=Hand Grenades Not Fit For City Life |headline= |title2=By Howard Child, Liberty Tree News Bureau |lt= |published=June 1st 2001 6:11 EST |author= |image=grenade5.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew=150px |imagefloat= |imagedesc=Hurling abuse - Liberty City style |article= |desc=Previously gun-friendly mayor, O' Donovan has come out and said what many of us had long thought: "Hand grenades have no place in our city." Following a...")
  • 20:13, 3 February 2025May 2001/The Powers of the Fugue, A Mystery Uncovered (hist | edit) ‎[2,011 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline="The Powers of the Fugue, A Mystery Uncovered |title2=Entertainment and the Arts by Morgan Merryweather |lt= |published= |author= |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Welcome back to my Memoires Entertainments, as they say in gay Paris. Have you ever been to Paris? It's magnificent. A place for the senses and the mind. Last time I was there, I met a charming Arab boy call...")
  • 19:53, 3 February 2025May 2001/EDITORIAL Advertising Good for America (hist | edit) ‎[1,208 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=EDITORIAL<br>Advertising Good for America |title2=by Jeffrey Veselik, Liberty Tree Associate Editor |lt= |published= |author= |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Do you like our new format? We've included much more adverts, and far fewer stories. Why? Because we're an American newspaper. A lot of people claimed that when The Liberty Tree lost its much over-valued indepen...")
  • 19:51, 3 February 2025May 2001/Mayor ODonovan Denies Misuse of Government Funds Over Nail Gun Fiasco (hist | edit) ‎[1,486 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Mayor O'Donovan Denies Misuse of Government Funds Over Nail Gun Fiasco |title2= |lt=yes |published=May 1st 2001 1:14pm EST |author=Joel Stahlman |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Mayor O'Donovan. Is he a mayor or a nail gun? Sounds stupid, I know, but not in Liberty City. The Mayor's brother is CEO of Donovan Hardware, makers of the aforementioned nail gun and he hasn't b...")
  • 19:49, 3 February 2025May 2001/Mackerel Factory to Expand (hist | edit) ‎[1,861 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Mackerel Factory to Expand |title2= |lt=yes |published=May 1st 2001 3:14pm EST |author=Kristen Burns |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Cheung Industries of Shanghai announced that they were to expand the factory production of mackerel in the Liberty City area. Cheung Industries is well known for the creation of what has been derisorily called "artificial" Mackerel, a t...")
  • 19:44, 3 February 2025May 2001/Gangs Rife on our City Streets, Corruption Everywhere (hist | edit) ‎[2,876 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Gangs Rife on our City Streets, Corruption Everywhere |title2=By Walt Karl, Liberty Tree News Bureau |lt= |published=May 1st 2001 4:59pm EST |author= |image=screen1627.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew=150px |imagefloat=left |imagedesc=Normally peaceful citizens are<br>forced to carry protection |article= |desc=The Liberty City Police Department has conducted a survey into the roles gangs play in our city's violen...")
  • 19:37, 3 February 2025April 2001/Pollution not bad for health (hist | edit) ‎[1,266 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Pollution "not bad for health" |title2= |lt=yes |published=April 1st 2001 09:11am EST |author=Thomas Stewart |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=A government body said the recent oil spill in Liberty City harbor "would cause no lasting damage to Liberty City inhabitants, as long as they don't swim, or drink tap water." The oil spill, which environmental agencies claim is...")
  • 19:32, 3 February 2025April 2001/Insurance Costs Soar (hist | edit) ‎[889 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Insurance Costs Soar |title2= |lt=yes |published=April 1st 2001 11:07am EST |author=Bill Tautz |image= |imagel=yes |imagew= |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Insurance premiums are set to rise above the rate of inflation for the seventh year running. Figures showing a rise in car crime by 18% have prompted insurers to raise premiums across the board for residents of Liberty. "There are ways you c...")
  • 07:34, 3 February 2025April 2001/Zaibatsu Release Equanox (hist | edit) ‎[1,422 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> <h3>Medicine and Healthcare:</h3> {{news |featured= |headline=Zaibatsu Release Equanox |title2= |lt=yes |published=April 1st 2001 1:00pm EST |author=Brian Robinson |image=equanox.gif |imagel=yes |imagew=305px |imagefloat= |imagedesc= |article= |desc=Zaibatsu Pharmaceuticals, the pharmaceutical arm of Liberty City's very own Zaibatsu Corporation, unveiled their new wonder drug, Equanox, yesterday at the city's annual Beneficial Chem...")
  • 07:30, 3 February 2025April 2001/Police Helicopters To Help Fight Crime (hist | edit) ‎[1,664 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured= |headline=Police Helicopters To Help Fight Crime |title2= |lt=yes |published=April 1st 2001 3:16pm EST |author=Trudy Fink |image=helicopter.jpg |imagel=yes |imagew=150px |imagefloat=left |imagedesc=A crime suspect about to be<br>introduced to Liberty City's latest<br>crime fighters |article= |desc=Liberty City's beleaguered police department has finally gotten some help. After years of under-funding and low morale...")
  • 19:21, 2 February 2025April 2001/SALVATORE LEONE: Just a Business Man (hist | edit) ‎[2,464 bytes]Lazlow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "center <hr> {{news |featured=SALVATORE LEONE: |headline="Just a Business Man" |title2=By Julius Cohen, Liberty Tree News Bureau |lt= |published=April 1st 2001 4:36pm EST |author= |image=leone.jpg |imagew=200px |imagefloat=left |imagedesc=Just a Businessman with poor numeracy;<br>Salvatore Leone |article= |desc=Salvatore Leone walked free from a federal court yesterday, as the case against him collapsed. Leone, who had been on trial for tax evasio...") originally created as "April 2001/SALVATORE LEONE: "Just a Business Man""
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